Erik Istrup Publishing

Kamalin lauluja


Otsikko: Kamalin lauluja
Alkuperäinen tanskalainen nimi: Kamals Sange
Kirjailija: I. B. Fandèr
Tyylilaji: Omaelämäkerta & muistelmat
Kuvitus: Natalie Key Öberg
Kääntänyt: Anya Ruusuvuori Kustantaja: Erik Istrup Publishing
Julkaisija: Ingram Spark
Sidonta: E-kirja, kovakantinen kirja, 37 kuvitusta
Kieli: Suomi
Muut kielet: Englanti | Tanska | Italia | Ranska | Kreikka | Espanja | Saksa
Julkaistu: 6. helmikuuta 2019
Sivumäärä: 80
Mitat ja paino: 223 x 146 mm & 284 g

ISBN13: 978-87-92980-77-9

  Listahinta: DKK 224 | £ 26.70 | € 29.99 | US$ 34 | CA$ 39.99 | AU$ 41.80

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-92980-78-6
  Smashwords-painos ISBN13: 978-87-92980-79-3: epub, mobi, pdf & lrf

  Listahinta: DKK 112 | £ 12.99 | € 14.99 | US$16.99 | CA$ 19.99 | AU$ 19.99

Katso sisälle: Google Play |
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Tietoja kirjasta

Aivan kuten Neale Donald Walsch kirjassaan “Keskusteluja Jumalan kanssa”, Kamal antaa meille harvinaisen tilaisuuden tavoittaa häivähdys etsijän kokemuksesta näillä henkilökohtaisilla päiväkirjan sivuillaan käydessään dialogia Kaikkeuden kanssa runollisella tyylillään. Saamme todistaa hänen syvää rakkauttaan ja myötätuntoaan ihmiskuntaa kohtaan sekä hänen rehellisyyttään ja omistautumistaan jumalalliselle.
  Kamal on mestari näkemään pyhyyttä aivan pienimmissäkin asioissa. Tämä muistuttaa meitä siitä, että kaikki elämässä on pyhää ja kaikella on tarkoituksensa. Hän osoittaa meille, että olemmepa missä hyvänsä, olemme aina oikeassa paikassa oikeaan aikaan, ja Kaikkeus antaa meille siunauksensa, mitä hyvänsä teemmekin ja kuka tahansa luulemmekin olevamme.


Tietoja Kamalista

Kun Kamal ojensi minulle käsikirjoituksensa, hän sanoi: “Mikäli runoillani on jotain näytettävää jollekulle, en voi olla jakamatta kokemuksiani, mutta jotkut saattavat tulla uskoneeksi minun olevan jotain sellaista, mitä he eivät itse ole, ja siten kuunnella minua oman sisäisen äänensä sijaan. Ainoa pyyntöni on, ettei minua luonnehdita kirjailijaksi.”
- I. B. Fandèr


Kirjan tarina

I. B. Fandèr on Jørgen-Palle Nielsenin kirjailijanimi. Nielsen rahoitti itse Kamals Sange -kirjan painatuksen Tanskassa vuonna 1948 ilman kustantamoa.
  Kun Nielsenin ystävät, Anni ja Ib Lunau, kuulivat hänen kuolleen Sveitsissä, he päättivät ottaa kirjasta uusintapainoksen vuonna 1972 ja kustansivat sen itse. Vuonna 1981 kustantamo Strubes Forlag otti Lunaun pariskuntaan yhteyttä tekijänoikeudet saadakseen, minkä Strubes Forlag saikin, ja teos julkaistiin samana vuonna.
  Vuonna 2009 hyvä ystäväni esitteli minulle vuoden 1981 painoksen Kamals Sange -kirjasta, ja pian sen jälkeen päätin julkaista sen, jos saisin siihen luvan. Tiesin, että Strubes Forlag oli lopettanut toimintansa, eikä sen vuoksi omistanut tekijänoikeuksia. Sitten löysin onnekseni Annin, joka oli nyt jo 80-vuotias, ja tavattuani hänet valitsin julkaisutavaksi Print-on-Demand -teknologian.
  Vaikka laulut olivat jälleen saatavilla, minusta tuntui, että jotakin puuttui. Lauluista, lyriikoista, puuttui sävel. ”Musiikin” voi lisätä kirjaan kuvituksen kautta, joten kysyin ystävältäni Natalie Keyltä voisiko hän maalata tai piirtää jotakin, mikä olisi sopusoinnussa tekstin kanssa...ja niin hän tekikin! Kovan työn tuloksena hän oli saanut aikaan 37 tietokonegrafiikalla toteutettua maalausta, jotka säestivät lyriikoita värien sinfonialla! Yhteisvoimin Kamalin laulut ja Natalien maalaukset saavat nyt tunteesi tanssahtelemaan ilosta.
- Erik Istrup



The pictures are so poetic
I received the book for Christmas 🙂 The pictures are the first reason why I bought it, they are so poetic ! They are perfect illustrations for the beautiful songs of Kamal. I like to dive in the picture that attracts me and then read the words.
 Cyntia Coste, France, 2019-Jan-01 via Facebook, Erik Istrup Publishing.


Brings serenity to your mind, body and spirit

The Songs of Kamal is a beautiful spiritual uplifting book. It is simple yet the message of unlimited love touches the heart. The relationship between Kamal and the Divine is so beautifully expressed. I loved every single page of it. The beautiful colourful illustrations in the book bring the book alive. Thanks to Erik Istrup for the wonderful English translation of this book, which bring this gem to more readers around the world. I definitely recommend this excellent book, which brings serenity to your mind, body and spirit.
 Caius Menezes, 2014-Sep-24 via email to Erik Istrup Publishing.


The book is clearly worth of recommendation

The book is a collection of songs that portray life's ups and downs. Each of the songs illustrates, that you are never alone and that a higher power is watching over you. The higher power is co-creative to protect and even show you the way in life.
Natalie Keys Öberg  is, with her unique illustrations, supporting the text in a beautiful way.
 When one reads The Songs of Kamal, one gets in touch with Kamal, and becomes gradually in-volved in his universe. The book is clearly worthy of recommending.
 Emma Bertelsen, 2014-Sep-16 via email to Erik Istrup Publishing.


Quiet moments

Fander's work takes the journal entries of a mystic in the (relatively) modern world, his glimpses, experiences and insights, and does no more than present them to us. We see our world from this new perspective, (or absence of it), backed by this new attitude, (or absence of it), in the everyday, the commonplace, the frustrations, the friendships, the beauty and yes, even the unpleasantness of it as we hear our diarist respond. That is all there is here, because that is all there needs to be. There is no philosopher's stone, this is it. Look around you. No... not like that, cut it out. Try again... and... yes. You're getting it. Nothing spectacular, I know, and yes, you've always known it... but have you ever lived it? That's what our diarist does, and he's worth a visit from time to time, the odd reading here and there, just to remind ourselves. This is not a book to read start-to-finish, this is a book to dip into when the need is there to be grounded yet again in the knowledge that our frustrations are not the be-all and end-all of the world in which we live and that they are, indeed, nothing at all.
 This English language translation by Erik Istrup is beautifully illustrated in dozens of paintings by Natalie Key Öberg. The simplicity and innocence of her work with blocks of flowing colour depicting nature and the world with people and animals, small yet significant, placed within the whole evoke the mood of the work, and looking at them is a relaxation in itself, there to be appreciated and accepted rather than analysed and assessed. If some of the words puzzle you, just forget them and look at the pictures. Their meaning will come in due course.
 In considering the work, I am not entirely without reservations. The focus of our diarist is largely placed upon Another - call it a spirit, call it God, call it what you will - something I do not myself find helpful. Posit a Creator and it leads to the question 'Why?' as when our diarist says he blames this Other for all wars and evil in the world, or when he questions him about natural events that have had damaging consequences. I personally find that all a little distracting and would have preferred our writer to have been agnostic rather than to be in a personal relationship with a personified Truth. There's also an occasional tendency towards smugness - 'I know, they don't' - suggesting our diarist has a way to go in that department, but let's give the guy a break on that. He's got it more than I ever have and, given my own impatience and a tendency towards distractions I'm loathe to sacrifice, more than I ever will. This will be a good book for me to pick up from time to time when that impatience, those distractions become too pressing.
 If you're an ordinary person as I am, as most of us are, with a sense that things could be better, should be better, and there's something out there that can help you to see the world as it ought to be and to sort yourself out within it, then this work is a good place to start looking.
5 stars 4/5 Pete Marchetto, 2014-Sep-06 on GoodReads.
See the thoroughly review here:


Simple and clear, with lovely illustrations that match the text

I got this book in Danish by Erik Istrup for about one and a half years ago, and have read it several times since. Every time something new pops up; It is as if the songs have multiple layers that gradually turn out for one.
 The songs are in its expression both from the serious to the quirky; the latter as it pulls on the smile of, e.g., "You always come up with something! I have been searching high and low for you, and you were just sitting here playing with the flowers of the elder tree, fully occupied with blowing small black insects on them." Through the serious and the quirky, you will understand the growth that is going on and how important it is to know that you are never alone.
 Formally, the book is simple and clear, written with sufficiently large font size. It is nice that each song is complete with * (asterisk). I was a little confused when I opened the book for the first time, of who had written the book and published it the first and second time.

Natalie Key Öberg has with some lovely illustrations, captured and complemented the simplicity and sometimes naïve and innocent form, the songs are written in and the openness towards all the songs it contains.
 There are in the illustrations not so much confusing; that is what you see. I admire the fluid, gentle and dreamy transitions between colours.
 I'm experiencing the shapes in the illustrations as children; and it is of course naïve to put a child, a cat, a tree and a moon together in one image, when the songs are also a matter of higher wisdom. However, there may be so much meaning and symbolism in this kind of election. For whom other than children and unaffected animals, it has an open mind toward life, as we, adults have forgotten?
 Linda Kocsis, 2014-Aug-31 to Erik Istrup Publishing &


The Songs of Kamal is a beautiful book!

 The language is poetic; perhaps not the words one uses in daily life, but yet easy to read! The illustrations are what I would call romantic and yet pretty simple! The book is readable, but still not, because there are a lot "between the lines." The sentences can at times seem long, but it is a book that certainly is worth reading!
 Kirsten Thomsen, 2014-Aug-29 to EIP.



 I loved it, it's beautiful, touching, deep, sweet and wise in a quiet way. It touched me deeply and I loved the feeling and the colours of the paintings.
 Teija Syrjäkorpi, 2014-Aug-27 via Facebook chat.


I can warmly recommend this fine book

   Inside The Songs of Kamal, you will find the most wonderful pictures created by Natalie Key. Once you have admired these fine pictures you will never forget them. They speak to the heart. I can warmly recommend the fine little book, with the most beautiful pictures that touches, both the soul and the heart.
 Lise Meldgaard, 2014-Aug-26 to EIP.


Five Stars

 Awesome illustrations!
5 stars 5/5 Aleksandr Dubinskiy, 2014-Jul-12 on Amazon.


Inspiring and beautiful book

 I bought this book as a present but ending up reading it myself. It is very Inspiring to read and the Illustrations are amazing!
 I can highly recommend it!
5 stars 5/5 Magnus Anteroinen, 2014-Jun-15 on Amazon.



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