Erik Istrup Publishing


Article: The Best Fonts for Books

Believe it or not, there is a science behind choosing the best fonts for books. Think about all the places you see type today. Whether it’s a phone, a computer screen, a book, an ad, a magazine or a menu, almost every minute of the day is spent reading something.
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Related: Font samples

Font Sampless

This is samples of fonts for different genres and examples on sans and sans-serif fonts. Genre: Chick lit, fantasy, horror, paranormal romance, scifi, thriller and western.
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Related: The Best Fonts for Books

Article: How to Write a Children's Book

If you’re interested in writing a children’s book, you are not alone. There are a lot of things to consider for children’s books. From story idea to illustrations and publishing, there are lots of choices. This article focuses on how to write a children’s book.
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Related: 6 Tips for Writing Children's Books

Article: The Best Tools to Publish a Book on a Budget

Self-publishing is booming, and with this transition comes a plethora of organisations worldwide offering author services to writers. But what if your budget doesn't extend to a professional editor, typesetter, cover designer, and so forth? Does this mean your book will not meet industry standards, be of poor quality, or sadly never be published? Absolutely not.
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Article: 14 Essential Tips on How to Format Dialogue

We will teach you everything you need to know about writing and formatting your dialogue. We will go over grammatical points, punctuation errors, and basic tips to help your dialogue sound better. As per usual, there will be examples throughout the post to show you what it should be like. So, without further ado, let’s go on to how to format dialogue! (by Kotobee).
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Article: How to Write Dialogue in a Narrative Paragraph

Conventional English grammar rules tell us that you should always start a new paragraph when someone speaks in your writing. Sometimes, though, in the middle of a narrative paragraph, your main character needs to speak. I couldn’t find any hard and fast rules that govern how to use dialogue in the middle of a narrative paragraph. It all depends on what style manual your publisher or editorial staff follow. (by Hayley Milliman).
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Article: How to Write Dialogue

Why do we make such a fuss about dialogue? Dialogue requires a different mindset from prose writing. Many of us have difficulty switching between the two—even experienced authors. We write descriptive scenes, back story, or the other narrative elements in one consistent voice—our own, the first-person narrator, or another style we’ve adopted for that book. That’s easy and we can get into the flow. But to write dialogue, we have to break into other voices and mindsets—which can be an awkward gear change. Many writers leave their story potential untapped because they get stuck in a non-dialogue mode of writing.
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Article: 6 Tips for Writing Children’s Books

It’s common to think how easy it must be to write children’s books, dreaming of a shiny pile of colourful book covers, hoping that your children’s book is the one that parents roll their eyes at because their children ask for it again and again and again! Well, the bad news is that it is NOT that easy. Here are six tips to help you navigate the world of writing children’s books.
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Related: How to Write a Children's Book

Article: 5 Tips for Editing a Manuscript Without an Editor

How to be your own editor

Before sending your manuscript out, you’ll want to edit it to correct your mistakes. While editing your own manuscript might seem daunting or hard to manage, it’s perfectly possible to edit all by yourself. In this article, we’ll share our five best tips for editing your manuscript… without an editor.
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Article: Things to consider when making an illustrated children’s book for print

Primary for authors, illustrators and self-publishers

This article is about considerations when making a children’s book with text and images. It is not about how to write and make illustrations, but the practical work of creating a beautiful book out of your hard work.
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Dansk: Overvejelser før du laver en illustreret børnebog til tryk

Primær til forfattere, illustratorer og selv-udgivere

Denne artikel handler om overvejelser, når du laver en børnebog med tekst og billeder. Den handler ikke om, hvordan man skriver og laver illustrationer, men det praktiske arbejde med at skabe en smuk bog ud af dit hårde arbejde.
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