Erik Istrup Publishing

Five Angels on a Hill - The Heroes on High Hill (in the works)

The series

Book 1: The Heroes on High Hill


Title: The Heroes on High Hill
Series title: Five Angels on a Hill
Number in series: 1
Author: Eriqa Queen
Genre: Fiction, modern fantasy, visionary & Metaphysical
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing
Binding: E-book, paperback
Language: English (British)
Published: In the works

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From the chapter: The planet called Hill

I live on two planets so I have two homes. I also have two jobs, one on each planet. I have other things going on, but this is what I will tell you for now.

 The first of the two planets I settle on is Earth. Earth means soil or dirt. People speak many languages here, but the majority use the word for soil or dirt in their language to name the planet. I will return to this later, telling you why it is so. The other planet is The Hill, or just Hill. Hill also means mount and are often build of soil. The two planets are very similar, but also very different. You will slowly learn more, as the story continues.

 On Earth I have two jobs. The first one is to be a person and a part of humanity and the other one is to show, or what you would call teach, humanity that there is more to life than being a human. On Hill, I am also a teacher, we call it a mediator, and I am one of many who prepare angels for their first incarnation as a person on Earth. So you see, I teach people about their angel part, and angels how to also be a person, a human. When I get silly, I say, that I am a professor on Hill and a professional human on Earth.

 On Earth a person may see me as a young woman in the beginning of her twenties, but because of my mixed Asian/Caucasian appearance I can look like being between sixteen and thirty. Even older depending on makeup, hairstyle and clothing. On Hill, we are more flexible, and may choose to appear more in relation to the occasion than a specific age, race or even gender. We have our preferences, though, and I enjoy showing up like I feel at the moment, and so, being quite authentic. I am always me.

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