Erik Istrup Publishing

Captain & Passenger - who runs your life?

The series

Book 1: To be Human or to be All
Book 2: Captain & Passenger - hwo runs your life?
Book 3: Script Writer & Actor - Your life's show

Visit the series website at The Writings of Eriqa Queen
This is the second title in the sequal series to "The Adventures of Luzi Cane"


Title: Captain & Passenger
Sub title: Who runs your life?
Series title: The Adventures of Julia Wang
Number in series: 2
Author: Eriqa Queen
Genre: Fiction, modern fantasy, visionary & Metaphysical
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing
Print & distribution: Ingram Spark
Binding: E-book, paperback, hardback, no illustrations
Language: English (British)
Published: 29. November 2023
Pages: 238
Measurement & weight (hardback): Trim: 203 x 127 x 17.5 mm (5 x 8 x 0.688 in) & 388 g / 0.855 lbs
Measurement & weight (paperback): Trim: 203 x 127 x 13.7 mm (5 x 8 x 0.541 in) & 264 g / 0.581 lbs

  ISBN13: 978-87-94110-43-3 (9788794110433)

  List price: DKK 211.00 | £24.40 | €27.20 | US$28.70 | CA$ 39.50 | AU$ 43.50

  ISBN13: 978-87-94110-44-0 (9788794110440)

  List price: DKK 193.00 | £19.60 | €22.00 | US$ 23.20 | CA$ 31.90 | AU$ 35.20

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-94110-45-7 (9788794110457)

  List price: DKK 96.50 | £10.99 | €12.99 | US$ 14.99 | CA$ 18.99 | AU$ 19.99

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Back cover text

The series, written in sequence, is not based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human construct and beyond, and hints at transformative choices in life. It tells the person to use the 'divine' GPS rather than the human intuition, and move in unity as WEGO rather than EGO.

 We talk about how people, pets and other animals are different in their life cycles and where they originate from. New feathered friends show up and bring knowledge of the planet and its habitants. New human friends step out of the wings and cause mutual enrichment in everyone's life.

 The flow of the fast-changing world influences the life of Julia, her family, and the surrounding people. The best thing to do is to go with the flow, and that is what they do! Some find new homes and possibilities, and there are several surprises in store for the family.

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The Index

When the mind trusts the I Am
 We go as one
The family
 Kong plans to move to Ireland
 What is Li up to?
 Julia, Walter and SAM
 Ting and Cheng
 Ju-long and Luzi
 The family animals
 Carl and Ya
Kong moves to Dublin, Ireland
 The family visits Kong
Julia's birthday in 2025
 Birthday party Saturday afternoon
 Sunday with the family
May, June, and July
 Replace fish protein with plant protein
 Vertical fish farms
Julia's summer holidays
 Julia and Li jump in age
 France and Italy
 The gifts from the human to THAT
 Awareness of all and believing in gods

Julia and Li move to London
 London Academy of Excellence
Outside space-time and gravity
Inside and outside the academy
 A day at the LAE
 A get-together at our apartment
The one that isn't a bird
 Shao is visiting
 Rocky and Shao connect
 Love birds
We visit Hastings
A bit about animals
AI keeps coming up
 Driven by emotions
Late autumn
Christmas in Dublin
The total New Year surprise
2026 takes off full throttle
 Chinese New Year
 Four parakeet chicks
 Evie and the dragon
 Anna and Jo-Ann plus two
Author’s comments

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