Erik Istrup Publishing

Wanderer on a Strange World
- Color Edition

The series

Book 1: Pathfinder Into Inner Realms
Book 2: Wanderer on a Strange World
Book 3: Iñawaingé - one who sees
Book 4: Into the Infinite


Title: Wanderer on a Strange World
Subtitle: Color Edition
Series title: Apa Shanko
Number in series: 2
Author: Eduardo Zotz
Cover photo: Eduardo Zotz
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing (2nd edition)
Print & distribution: Ingram Spark
Binding: E-book, paperback, 64 color illustrations
Language: English (US), Español
Published: 1. April 2021 (2nd edition)
Pages: 176
Measurement & weight: 216 x 140 x 12mm (5.5 x 8.5 x 0.5in) & 283 g / 0.623 lbs

  ISBN13: 978-87-92980-94-6 (9788792980946)

  List price: DKK 187 | £22.50 | €25.20 | US$ 29.99 | CA$ 39.20 | AU$ 40.80

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-92980-95-3 (9788792980953)

  List price: DKK 68 | £7.99 | €8.99 | US$ 9.99 | CA$ 12.99 | AU$ 14.99

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Back cover text

Our stories have a life of their own, and as every life form, they want to be expressed. Nurtured on our Hearts, kept cozy and safe in your memories, one day, they want to see the light of the day, and to share our long nights, when sleep lingers and stay away, and they love the company of a mug of coffee…

 These are stories, lessons and memories collected along 18 years drinking Yagé with Taitas and Healers in the Amazon forest, mostly in Columbia and Ecuador. My Stories are true accounts, and the lessons are personal.

 We live in a world in constant change, in a planet sick to the bones, ruled by greed and selfishness, with plenty of resources and hungry starving children, anyone awaken enough, looks around full of shame and despair… The root of our Illness is called Ego! We need to begin with ourselves, only healing ourselves we gonna be able to heal the world we live in. There are many ways to heal, and the Medicinal Plants are only one, although a powerful one, Yagé being a Master Healer.

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About the author

Eduardo Zotz was born in the south of Brazil, a traveler by passion, he has spent most of his life in Latin America, Europe and the US.

 18 years ago he took an apprenticeship with Cofan Elders in Colombia and has been studying traditional Medicine since. He lives in Ecuador and works as a Jungle Guide.

 Pathfinder into Inner Realms, is a true account of his experiences drinking Yagé with Taitas Cofanes and Sionas in the Jungles of Columbia and Ecuador.

 You can get in touch with the Author through:

 He is a Jungle Guide and takes friends to Yagé Ceremonies with Taitas Cofanes in the Jungle of Columbia and Ecuador.

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The Index

Flying kite
Misty Mountain
Re-writing the brain
Piper in the mist
Into nowhere
War birds
Walking dead
Vulture King
The dance
Many teachers
Coming to life
Faces in the dark mist
Swallow birds
Sneaky wisdom
The temple of the holy shit
Stinging nettles
Into the body
Guardian spirit
Bats out of Hell
Ego stultus
Spiritual connections
Jaguar teeth
Healing and healers
Traditional ways
The Elephant

The bridge
Obsidian dream
Ascended masters
The “guerro”
Ix Balam Ke
Borrachera - drunkeness
The root of addeictions
Helping plant spirits
Hell bound
The war of the ants
After the storm
White sail in a blue sea
Empty road
The sea of time
The long night fo the soul
The gate
Burning fields
Red glowing thoughts
Red hot grandmothers
The light from above
Dawn of the soul
Yagé ceremonies

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