Erik Istrup Publishing

With Sai Baba by my Side (English)


Title: With Sai Baba by My Side
Author: Marguerite Jalving
Genre: Autobiography & memoirs
Translator from Danish: Erik Istrup
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing
Print: Ingram Spark
Binding: Paperback & e-book
Language: English. (Danish)
Published: 6. Oct. 2014
Pages: 270, illustrated with Sai Baba's artwork via Jelving
Measurement & weight: 244 x 170 x 15 mm & 510 g

Paperback ISBN13: 978-87-92980-10-6

  List price: DKK 184.00 | GBP 22.00 | EUR 24.90 | US$ 26.40 | CA$ 36.50 | AU$ 40.00

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-92980-11-3

  List price: DKK 117.50 | £13.99 | €15.99 | US$ 18.99 | CA$ 23.99 | AU$ 23.99

  Smashwords edition ISBN13: 978-87-92980-13-7 for epub, mobi, pdf & lrf
  When shopping in different currencies on Smashwords the price, is calculated from the USD price.

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About the book

Erik Istrup Publishing has been so fortunate to be able to publish this unusual story written by Marguerite Jalving, and with Sai Baba's unique pencil drawings and paintings.

Marguerite Jalving, is a person with both feet on the ground. With her high heels and elegant style, she stands with her strong temperament, firm in her own opinions. She gives vent to spontaneous anger as well as enthusiasm and sometimes less humble thoughts to Sri Sathya Sai Baba, when she thinks, He goes too far. At the same time, she feels the deepest affection and humble surrender for the divine, which is this book’s paradox.
 You will find the book both humorous and deeply devotional; a picture of a human being’s dialogue with the divine, with its dreams and heavenly visions.
- Lise Jersing

I have had experiences, and still have beautiful visions and dreams with Baba. This is all words, which I try to use to express my experiences. Ultimately, these visions cannot be described as they are divine experiences.
  One must have faith in higher powers, which are beyond our physical world and daily life, if we want to understand what the meaning of life is.
- Marguerite Jalving

Some of Sai Baba's art via Jalving.

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