Erik Istrup Publishing

Pathfinder Into Inner Realms
- Black and White Edition

"I would be honored to share space with the writer... Life changing read... True healers diary"

The series

Book 1: Pathfinder Into Inner Realms
Book 2: Wanderer on a Strange World
Book 3: Iñawaingé - one who sees
Book 4: Into the Infinite


Title: Pathfinder Into Inner Realms
Subtitle: Black and White Edition
Series title: Apa Shanko
Number in series: 1
Author: Eduardo Zotz
Cover photo: Eduardo Zotz
Genre: Autobiography
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing (3nd edition)
Print & distribution: Ingram Spark
Binding: E-book, paperback
Language: English (US), Español
Published:13. April 2023 (3nd edition)
Pages: 170
Measurement & weight: 216 x 140 x 10 mm (5.5 x 8.5 x 0.4 in) & 227 g / 0.5 lbs

  ISBN13: 978-87-94110-35-8 (9788794110358)

  List price: DKK 163 | £19.20 | €21.90 | US$ 23.99 | CA$ 32.30 | AU$ 35.80

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-92980-93-9 (9788792980939) (color edition)

  List price: DKK 68 | £7.99 | €8.99 | US$ 9.99 | CA$ 12.99 | AU$ 14.99

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Back cover text

Story telling is a wondrous Art, it brings Magic into our lives, trapped in our daily concerns, we forget to look at a world hidden from our eyes, a world born of our Creator’s imagination, with fantastic beings who share the Earthly realms with us, worlds accessible when we drink Yagé, places where we are free from the burdens of our heavy bodies, where we can move freely, with the power of our will.

 Yagé is a world in itself, and an endless path into eternity, a path filled with wonders, mystery and challenges, where tears of joy, pain and sorrow run together, a world where magic beings are met in every bend of the path, and strange ones lurk in the shadows…

 This book is just a little insight, barely scratching the surface of what is to drink Yagé 18 years long, the stories I tell are true accounts, no word has been added to make it shine brighter, and I hope it will bring joy into your own paths.

 So, enjoy it with an open Heart, and let it be a pathfinder into your own discoveries.

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About the author

Eduardo Zotz was born in the south of Brazil, a traveler by passion, he has spent most of his life in Latin America, Europe and the US.

 18 years ago he took an apprenticeship with Cofan Elders in Colombia and has been studying traditional Medicine since. He lives in Ecuador and works as a Jungle Guide.

 Pathfinder into Inner Realms, is a true account of his experiences drinking Yagé with Taitas Cofanes and Sionas in the Jungles of Columbia and Ecuador.

 You can get in touch with the Author through:

 He is a Jungle Guide and takes friends to Yagé Ceremonies with Taitas Cofanes in the Jungle of Columbia and Ecuador.

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The Index

Taking the first step
The preparation
U’fa - Yagé
Tama Yagé
Light and darkness
Awakening to life
The path
Old devil
The Wakani and the magic bird
Waira Rumy - Waira Huahuá
 Wind Stone – Daughter of the Wind
A fire dragon
The Chinese dragon
The yellow dragon
A jaguar spiritv
Luminous beings
Probing the heart
The Chinese Rambo
The web of life
The Styx river
Men of the Sun
Taitas Cofanes on the Chandia N’aen river
The war of the Taitas
Waira Sacha – Wind Leaves
Cannabis Mother
Pinta Bonito
Doors into Outer Realms

Body and mind
Healing the spirit
Resistance is useless
The white light
 Near death experience
Little Bird
Losing the mind
A diet with Nane
A diet with Machinga
Don’t fear the fear
Wanna be shaman
Meeting Tabacumary
The invisibles
Hungry ghosts
August Moon
Calling the demons
Dark spirits
Dreaming the dreamer
Dreaming realms
Dreaming ET’s
Iron Wall
Full cup
The mind
New World
To shed a skin
Many selves
The Garden
About the author

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Knowledge, Wisdom, and Magic shared from healing with Yage/Ayahuasca in the Amazon for many years.5 of 5
Ed shares his knowledge and experiences drinking Yage for nearly two decades with details of what lead him to it and the experiences he has, both the good and bad, along the way. It is very authentic when shared in this way. The book has been a great gift to read before I head down to Ecuador myself and experience ceremonies with Ed, which is another gift I'm grateful for. I love the stories shared about the spirits, jungle, & healing ceremonies, as well as the magical experiences. Learned a lot about the Yage and plant medicines that are available down there and how they are used. I was fortunate enough to have a couple ceremonies with a Taita from Colombia in the US, but never really knew what being a Taita involved. After reading about them in this book, I have a better understanding of these master medicine men. And as Ed has been apprenticing with these Taitas for many years, it's very interesting to read how his apprenticeship has progressed along the way and how much commitment and drive is involved to go down that path. Highly recommend this book and looking forward to future writings.
- Matt M. Reviewed in the United States on February 26, 2020.


Short stories from a yagésero.5 of 5
Fascinating collection of short stories provides an insiders perspective on a most two decades of yagé drinking. Highly recommended to anyone with prior experience with the medicine.
- Michael. Reviewed in the United States on May 14, 2020.


Great storytelling!5 of 5
Great stories. Really intriguing. This is not a typical book, rather a collection of stories from a man’s journey navigating the world of plant medicines and shamans. I like it’s rawness. I highly recommend reading it especially if this material is of interest to you because you will learn even more about the shamanic world in the Amazon.
- Kim Raich. Reviewed in the United States on February 29, 2020.


Beautiful and scenic medicine tour5 of 5
I would be honored to share space with the writer... Life changing read... True healers diary.
- Acacea Sherman. Reviewed in the United States on January 26, 2020.


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