Erik Istrup Publishing

To be Human or to be All

The series

Book 1: To be Human or to be All
Book 2: Captain & Passenger - hwo runs your life?
Book 3: Script Writer & Actor - Your life's show

Visit the series website at The Writings of Eriqa Queen
This is the first title in the sequal series to "The Adventures of Luzi Cane"


Title: To be Human or to be All
Series title: The Adventures of Julia Wang
Number in series: 1
Author: Eriqa Queen
Genre: Fiction, modern fantasy, visionary & Metaphysical
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing
Print & distribution: Ingram Spark
Binding: E-book, paperback, hardback, 4 illustrations
Language: English (British)
Published: 24. March 2022
Pages: 254
Measurement & weight (hardback): Trim: 203 x 127 x 17.5 mm (5 x 8 x 0.668 in) & 406 g / 0.893 lbs
Measurement & weight (paperback): Trim: 203 x 127 x 14.6 mm (5 x 8 x 0.575 in) & 280 g / 0.618 lbs

  ISBN13: 978-87-94110-25-9 (9788794110259)

  List price: DKK 211.00 | £24.40 | €27.20 | US$28.70 | CA$ 39.50 | AU$ 43.50

  ISBN13: 978-87-94110-26-6 (9788794110266)

  List price: DKK 193.00 | £19.60 | €22.00 | US$ 23.20 | CA$ 31.90 | AU$ 35.20

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-94110-27-3 (9788794110273)

  List price: DKK 96.50 | £10.99 | €12.99 | US$ 14.99 | CA$ 18.99 | AU$ 19.99

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Back cover text

This is not a story based on drama and conflict, but loaded with a deep understanding of the human and beyond, and hints at transformative choices in life.

 The story begins before Julia’s physical birth, but quickly moves to be a sequel of her mother’s, the Luzi’s series. Julia has selected various scenarios in her life from birth to just after her nine-year birthday.

 Her brother, Li, tells us about the usages of water now and in the future, e.g. as farmland, mining, energy and habitat. We talk about artificial intelligent, AI and virtual reality, VR. From the future, Laura hints us about what is to come in the next centuries, and she talks about colonising Mars. This ties in to Gaia too. France plays a role in the story, and we will tap into the Atlantean dream and even the Sphinx in Giza.

 There are stories from within the family, spiced with bits from Koot Hoomi, Saint Germain and others. A few new ones show up too. We talk about the new soul, the new mind and Returning to Self, and Julia gives us hints about some of her plans as an adult.

 A crucial part of the story, maybe even the matrix that keeps it together, is the Code. Code is what people refer to as energy, but we will remove energy, time and space from the equation, and show what gravity truly is.

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The Index

Jumping on a running train
 Redefining terminology
Julia Wang
 Choosing my human name
 Methods and work partners
 Moving with the wind of change
 SAM / Tobs
 Julia’s birth
William Li Wang
 Food from the sea
 Sea mining
 The Gaia connection
Li about AI
Lu about virtual reality
 Realising one is realised
 Prior to consciousness
 Koot Hoomi’s four Ps
Li & Lu about biology and mind
 Physical changes in the brain
What the soul really is
 The new soul
 The new mind
 Sar’h about Return to Self
The Atlantean dream
 The Sphinx
 Ting and Cheng’s mission
Julia and the snake Nehebhau
 The connection to life

Julia’s third birthday
 The journey of expanded awareness
 Two new kids
Upside down and inside out
The inside out
 Into the unknown
Happenings in the family
 Activities in and around the village field
 Julia talks about the private school
 Julia’s connections with the family
 Summer 2022
 Li’s 6-year birthday
Nothing happens by chance
 A holistic view
 Back to school
Anna moves to France
School and other stuff
 A little about pets
 Conscious Code
 Christmas 2022
Laura, the built
 Food on Mars
 How to start a colony on Mars
 Terraforming Mars
Back in France, visiting Anna
Julia’s nine-year birthday in 2024
 Li’s eight year's birthday
 September and school year 4
Author’s comments

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