Erik Istrup Publishing

Getting Real About Enlightenment


Title: Getting Real About Enlightenment
Sub title: a modern companion to your journey of sovereign spirituality
Author: Kim Seppälä
Illustrator: Kim Seppälä
Genre: Metaphysics, spirituality, self-transformation
Cover art: Nazar Fedunkiv
Publisher: Erik Istrup Publishing
Print & destribution: Ingram Spark
Binding: Paperback (216 x 140 x 17 mm, 385 g)
Language: English
Published: 14. March 2018, Second edition
Pages: 300

Paperback ISBN13: 978-87-92980-66-3 (9788792980663)

  List price: DKK 172 | GBP 20 | EUR 23 | US$ 26 | AU$ 37 | CA$ 35

  ePub ISBN13: 978-87-92980-67-0 (9788792980670)

  List price: DKK 74 | GBP 8.99 | EUR 9.99 | US$ 11.99 | CA$ 15.99 | AU$ 15.99

25 minutes video interview with Kim Seppälä

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About the book

This book lifts the veils of mystery around embodied spirituality and sovereignty. What happens to our minds, hearts and bodies when we allow the alchemical process of self-realization? How does it affect our lives and relationships, and how can we navigate through the dark night of the Soul into the dawn of enlightenment? These are some of the themes covered in this book. Whilst each path is unique and personal, there are certain tools that can be supportive on this bizarre adventure. In addition to such tools of clarity and inspiration, the book includes interviews with modern masters, awakened humans who are walking their paths of self-realization whilst living very human, 21st century lives. Above all, the purpose of this book is to support the reader in connecting with and embodying their inner voice of wisdom and mastery.

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About the author

Kim Sappälä Kim Mirjam Seppälä is a Finnish-German consciousness explorer, writer and psychologist in training. She has spent much of her life travelling the world, and also the multidimensional landscapes of consciousness. Her upcoming books will be about Conscious Romance and Creativity as a Path to Consciousness. She is a facilitator of transformative creative retreats, as well as an actor and playwright for the international Royal Shaumbra Theater group.

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New Age - Old News?
 Sovereign Spirituality
 Bringing Spirit Down-to-Earth
 (R)evolutionary Consciousness
 Spiritual Freedom
 Archetypes of Ascension
 Returning to Self
 From Self-Improvement to Self-Acceptance

Part 1
Fasten the Seatbelt, Read the Fine Print and Set your Compass to Freedom
Elegant Chaos
The Fine Print of Awakening
 Why the Path to Enlightenment Casts the Deepest Shadows Over Your Life

How to Navigate Through the Dark Night of the Soul into the Dawn of Enlightenment
 Beyond Linearity
 Updating your GPS
 Useful Short Cuts for Navigating the Back Streets of Spirituality
 Unplanning Your Future
 The Role of Life in Awakening
 Unveiling Your Intuition
 Discernment Is Worth Everything
 Doubt – the Culprit of Awakening
 How to Get Unstuck
 Allowing Resistance to Serve You
 The Inevitability of Getting Lost
 There’s a Fine Line Between Crazy and Free
 Pathless Woods
 11 Signs of Spiritual Awakening

Part 2
What to Expect On the Way to Enlightenment

 A Puzzle in Pieces – or a Miracle in the Making
The Catalyst
 The Matrix Cracks
Reality Out of Spin
 Death, Divorce, Disease: When the Walls Crumble
 Winds of Change (and Sometimes Hurricanes, Too)
 Fading Passion
 Loneliness – the Occupational Hazard of a Spiritual Pioneer
 Alchemizing Fear
 Treasures and Guardians
It’s All About Integration
 Home, Sweet Home
 Aspectology: A Spiritual Psychology
 Portrait of a Wounded Aspect
 Conscious Integration
 Are you playing your roles, or are your roles playing you?
 Non-reaction as a Short Cut to Mastery
 Clarity vs. Control
 Pitfalls of Ascension
 The Alchemy of Light and Darkness
 Experiential Metaphysics: How to Integrate Aspects
The Soul Surrender
 Top 10 Distractions on the Way to Enlightenment
 The Last Veil
 The Freedom of Self-Love
 What Is Enlightenment Anyway?

Part 3
Life After Awakening
Living in Mastery
 Why Creating Your Reality is a Reality
 How to Shift Into the Perspective of Creatorship
 The Sovereign Domain
 Sovereignty ≠ Isolation
 To Be or Not To Be Employed … or How to Make a Conscious Choice
 The Magic of Allowing
New Energy – New Earth
 Stepping Into a Multi-Dimensional Perspective
 The Quantum Attributes of New Energy

Part 4
Modern Masters
Six in-depth interviews with eight awakened humans

Part 5
Distilled Wisdom
Spiritual First Aid
Resources and Recommendations
 Soundtrack for Awakening
 About the author

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Wonderful! A must have!
Wonderful! Very well written, this book is full of pearls of wisdom and enlightening information for anyone going through their awakening/enlightenment. So the reading is easy, graceful and joyful. You can really feel it was written by a beautiful human who is experiencing every word and insight in it, bringing consciousness or the divine deeply into day-to-day life. Much gratitude to the author for creating such an amazing guide to realization. With love and blessings. - Amazon Kindle 5 stars - Conrado S. Justus S. Machado.


I highly recommend Kim's book!
I highly recommend Kim's book! It is well written, very clear, down to earth, with practical tips, but never tries to force an opinion on you. So enjoyed reading it. Thank you, dear Kim! - Teresa Kuna.


A practical book that I highly recommend
This is the kind of book that you should read when going through awakening towards enlightenment! It explains in a very simple way, what awakening is. One of the main points is going from self-improvement to self-acceptance. The human will never be perfect, but your soul is and has always been. The author points out, that awakening is not something you do for fun. It rips you apart, shakes your world, not as a punishment, but to let you release everything that keeps you from being less than you are. It is a practical book, tells you what to expect on your journey, and what to watch out for. It is reassuring to know that being totally tired, depressed or feeling empty without any passion anymore is “normal” when you are going through awakening. Each person has her or his own path to enlightenment. We can’t compare, but we can share our experiences and maybe inspire each other. I highly recommend this book! - Anne Maribo Andersen.


An interesting and well written book
Getting real about Enlightenment is my first experience with a ‘spiritual‘ book. It is a self-help book for people who are discovering their spirituality, facing the challenges that come with self-transformation. It is well structured and leads you ever deeper into the mysteries of enlightenment. The author gives insight into her journey of spirituality and the message is clear: you’re struggling, but it can be done, you’re not alone and the journey is worth it. The interviews with people who have already come far on their journey round off this guide. All in all, an interesting and well written book for everybody interested in the subject. - Angela Jorzik.


A truly useful book
A truly useful book for the serious pioneer on the path to realization without all the New Age distractions. Here you get insights, guiding as well as in-depth interviews with eight awakened humans. - Erik Istrup, author & publisher.


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