Erik Istrup Publishing

Fierce Tiger Gone (English)

Fierce Tiger was “invented” after visiting a small zoo in Monaco. When “Fierce Tiger” was no longer in the zoo, it became “Fierce Tiger Gone”! Now Fierce Tiger is their beloved soft toy.
Today Fierce Tiger, the children and their grandparents visit the old castle tower. During this adventure, Fierce Tiger is suddenly gone and is nowhere to be found. Luckily a seagull points the children in the right direction.


Title: Fierce Tiger Gone
Author: LiseLu Neble Nielsen
Binding: Softcover, e-book
Language: English | German | Danish
Published: 2015
Page count: 20

Paperback ISBN13: 978-87-92980-49-6

  List price: DKK 39 | £3.85 | €5.35 | US$ 5.95

E-book Smashwords edition ISBN13: 978-87-92980-47-2 (epud, mobi, pdf, lrf)

  List price: e-book: US$ 2.99 | £2.10 | €2.40 | DKK 18

  When shopping in different currencies on Smashwords the price, is calculated from the USD price.

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